Feb 17
I serve as Area Chair of NeurIPS 2025


Dec 19
Paper accepted at PR: Unlabeled Data in Few-Shot Learning
Dec 05
FreeDom code released
Dec 04
Preprint released at arXiv: Composed Image Retrieval
Oct 28
Paper accepted at WACV 2025: Composed Image Retrieval
Oct 23
Paper accepted at TASL: Power Set Mixing
Sep 23
Felipe Torres Figueroa defends his PhD thesis on Interpretable Visual Recognition
Sep 10
Bill Psomas defends his PhD thesis on Visual and Multimodal Representations
Aug 09
Opti-CAM code released
Jul 29
Paper accepted at CVIU: Saliency Maps for Interpretability
Jul 01
Shashanka Venkataramanan defends his PhD thesis on Data Augmentation
Jun 11
Deniz Engin defends her PhD thesis on Video Question Answering
May 24
Preprint released at arXiv: Composed Retrieval for Remote Sensing
May 13
UT-KD code released
May 10
Preprint released at arXiv: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
May 01
I serve as Area Chair of BMVC 2024
Apr 29
DoRA code released
Apr 23
Preprint released at arXiv: Interpretable Gradients
Apr 23
Preprint released at arXiv: Cross Attention Stream
Apr 07
Paper accepted at XAI4CV/CVPR 2024: Cross Attention Stream
Apr 01
Preprint released at arXiv: Revisiting Google Landmarks
Mar 29
RGLDv2-clean dataset released
Mar 27
I serve as Area Chair of NeurIPS 2024
Mar 15
Paper accepted at IGARSS 2024: Composed Retrieval for Remote Sensing
Feb 26
Paper accepted at CVPR 2024: Revisiting Google Landmarks
Jan 24
AM code released
Jan 18
WTours dataset released
Jan 16
Paper accepted at ICLR 2024: Walking Tours


Dec 23
I become a Reviewer of ICML
Dec 22
Paper accepted at VISAPP 2024: Interpretable Gradients
Dec 19
Preprint released at arXiv: PowMix
Nov 09
Preprint released at arXiv: MultiMix
Oct 30
Preprint released at arXiv: Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation
Oct 24
Paper accepted at WACV 2024: Imbalanced Few-Shot Learning
Oct 13
Thodoris Lymperopoulos defends his MSc thesis on Explainable AI
Oct 12
Preprint released at arXiv: Walking Tours
Oct 06
Christos Morfopoulos defends his MSc thesis on Vision-Language Tasks
Oct 01
ViTiS code released
Sep 27
Preprint released at arXiv: ViTiS
Sep 22
Felipe wins the best project award at ELLIS Summer School 2023
Sep 21
Paper accepted at NeurIPS 2023: MultiMix
Sep 17
SimPool code released
Sep 13
Preprint released at arXiv: SimPool
Aug 15
Paper accepted at CLVL/ICCV 2023: ViTiS
Aug 14
I serve as Area Chair of WACV 2024
Jul 14
Paper accepted at ICCV 2023: SimPool
Jul 06
A2LP code released
Jun 21
Paper accepted at ICIP 2023: Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation
Jun 12
PartNeRF code released
Jun 06
Apr 27
Preprint released at arXiv: Adaptive Manifold
Apr 18
Shashank accepted at ICVSS 2023
Apr 10
I serve as Area Chair of BMVC 2023
Apr 07
Metrix code released
Mar 17
Preprint released at arXiv: PartNeRF
Feb 27
Paper accepted at CVPR 2023: PartNeRF
Jan 17
Preprint released at arXiv: Opti-CAM


Dec 19
Dimitrios Reppas defends his MSc thesis on Explainability and Self-Supervision
Dec 06
I serve as PhD Jury member of Yuqing Hu
Nov 28
I serve as PhD Jury member of Huy V. Vo
Oct 24
Preprint released at arXiv: DToP
Oct 19
Oct 12
Ioannis Misios defends his MSc thesis on Self-Supervised Metric Learning
Oct 11
Paper accepted at WACV 2023: DToP
Jul 20
AttMask code released
Jul 04
Paper accepted at ECCV 2022: AttMask
Jul 01
Preprint released at arXiv: MultiMix
Apr 29
Deniz accepted at ICVSS 2022
Apr 22
Mar 30
I become a Reviewer of NeurIPS
Mar 25
Preprint released at arXiv: AttMask
Mar 14
I begin teaching the 4th iteration of Computer Vision at NKUA
Mar 10
AlignMix code released
Mar 04
Book chapter published by Wiley: Image Classification Attacks and Defenses
Mar 03
Paper accepted at CVPR 2022: AlignMix
Jan 20
Paper accepted at ICLR 2022: Metrix
Jan 05
TFH code released


Nov 22
I begin teaching the 5th iteration of Deep Learning for Vision at UR1
Oct 05
Two papers accepted at WACV 2022: Tensor Feature Hallucination and Global-Local Attention
Sep 02
Sep 01
I am a Research Director at Athena Research Center
Aug 31
Aug 29
Paper accepted at TAI/ACM-MM 2021: Patch Replacement
Aug 24
VideoQA code released
Aug 11
iLPC code released
Aug 10
Deniz, Bill and Shashank accepted at ELLIS DS 2021
Jul 22
Two papers accepted at ICCV 2021: Iterative Label Cleaning and Video Question Answering
Jul 22
Phillip Bellos defends his MSc thesis on Semi-Supervised Learning
Jul 19
Preprint released at arXiv: All the attention you need
Jul 05
Jul 04
Paper accepted at PR: Semi-Supervised Object Detection
Jun 17
AML code released
Jun 17
Hanwei Zhang defends her PhD thesis on Adversarial Learning
Jun 13
I become a Reviewer of ICLR
Jun 11
Preprint released at arXiv: Tensor Hallucination 2
Jun 10
Preprint released at arXiv: Metrix
Jun 09
May 20
May 07
Our Tensor Hallucination is presented at ICLR 2021 Workshop on Synthetic Data Generation
Apr 29
I serve as Area Chair of CVPR 2022
Apr 24
New Code & Data section available
Apr 20
Yann-Raphaël Lifchitz defends his PhD thesis on Few-Shot Learning
Apr 19
Preprint released at arXiv: Tensor Hallucination
Apr 08
I am a Member of ELLIS
Apr 05
I serve as Associate Editor of CVIU
Mar 30
Research grant MobilAI ends
Mar 29
Preprint released at arXiv: AlignMix
Mar 26
Preprint released at arXiv: Video Question Answering
Mar 01
SSAL code released
Mar 01
Paper accepted at CVPR 2021: Asymmetric Metric Learning
Feb 22
I begin teaching the 3rd iteration of Computer Vision at NKUA
Feb 19
Research grant Few-Shot ends
Feb 02
I teach Deep Learning and Computer Vision at NKUA
Jan 26
Jan 18
Jan 05
Preprint released at arXiv: Local Propagation


Dec 14
Preprint released at arXiv: Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
Dec 01
Konstantinos Tertikas begins his PhD thesis on 3D Shape Retrieval
Dec 01
Shashanka Venkataramanan begins his PhD thesis on Data Augmentation
Nov 25
BP code released
Nov 17
NAGP code released
Nov 16
I begin teaching the 4th iteration of Deep Learning for Vision at UR1
Nov 01
Bill Psomas begins his PhD thesis on Visual and Multimodal Representations
Oct 30
GCC code released
Oct 22
Bill Psomas defends his MSc thesis on Deep Metric Learning
Oct 11
Two papers accepted at ICPR 2020: Few-Shot Few-Shot Learning and Local Propagation
Oct 01
Felipe Torres Figueroa begins his PhD thesis on Interpretable Visual Recognition
Oct 01
ASMK-py code released
Sep 10
Oriane Siméoni defends her PhD thesis on Visual Search, Discovery and Recognition
Sep 01
Deniz Engin begins her PhD thesis on Video Question Answering
Sep 01
Research grant MQA begins
Sep 01
Timothée Neitthoffer defends his MSc thesis on Neural Architecture Search
Aug 09
Paper accepted at TIFS: Boundary Projection Attack
Jul 03
HDR Thesis thesis defended at University of Rennes 1: Exploring and Learning from Visual Data
Jul 02
Paper accepted at ECCV 2020: Few Clean and Many Noisy Labels
Jun 29
Preprint released at arXiv: Asymmetric Metric Learning
Jun 22
Paper accepted at ICPR 2020: Deep Active Learning
Apr 01
Research grant MEERQAT begins
Mar 30
Mar 24
DSM code released
Feb 18
Paper accepted at JIS: Smooth Adversarial Examples
Feb 18
Preprint released at arXiv: Few-Shot Few-Shot Learning
Feb 17
I begin teaching the 2nd iteration of Computer Vision at NKUA
Jan 01
Research grant UNLIR begins


Dec 04
Preprint released at arXiv: Boundary Projection Attack
Dec 01
Preprint released at arXiv: Nano-Supervised Object Detection
Dec 01
Research grant GRAPES begins
Nov 19
Preprint released at arXiv: Rethinking Deep Active Learning
Nov 18
I begin teaching the 3rd iteration of Deep Learning for Vision at UR1
Oct 10
Research grant BnF ends
Oct 01
Preprint released at arXiv: Few Clean and Many Noisy Labels
Sep 17
DLP code released
Sep 06
MoM code released
Sep 06
I become a father for a second time
Aug 05
Jul 13
Two research grants accepted: MEERQAT and UNLIR
May 15
Preprint released at arXiv: Deep Spatial Matching
May 15
Research grant GRAPES accepted
Apr 22
I am a Senior Member of IEEE
Apr 10
Preprint released at arXiv: Deep Label Propagation
Mar 29
Preprint released at arXiv: Smooth Adversarial Examples
Mar 13
Preprint released at arXiv: Dense Classification + Implanting
Feb 26
New website online at avrithis.net, replacing IVA
Feb 25
Feb 19
I begin teaching the 1st iteration of Computer Vision at NKUA
Feb 08
Paper accepted at MVA: Particular Object Discovery
Feb 07
SAE code released


Dec 12
PyNet code released
Nov 20
Paper accepted at CVIU: Planar Shape Decomposition
Nov 19
I begin teaching the 2nd iteration of Deep Learning for Vision at UR1
Oct 10
Research grant BnF begins
Oct 04
RevOP dataset released
Sep 21
Paper accepted at ACCV 2018: Hybrid Diffusion
Sep 01
Research grant MobilAI begins
Jul 23
Preprint released at arXiv: Hybrid Diffusion
May 10
I teach Deep Learning for Computer Vision at NKUA
Mar 29
Preprint released at arXiv: Revisiting Oxford and Paris
Mar 29
Preprint released at arXiv: Mining on Manifolds
Mar 22
I give a talk on Deep Image Retrieval at Safran Tech
Feb 28
Three papers accepted at CVPR 2018: Fast Spectral Ranking, Revisiting Oxford and Paris and Mining on Manifolds
Feb 19
Yann-Raphaël Lifchitz begins his PhD thesis on Few-Shot Learning
Feb 19
Research grant Few-Shot begins
Jan 19
Paper accepted at WACV 2018: Unsupervised Object Discovery


Nov 20
I begin teaching the 1st iteration of Deep Learning for Vision at UR1
Oct 22
Sep 14
Preprint released at arXiv: Unsupervised Object Discovery
Sep 01
Hanwei Zhang begins her PhD thesis on Adversarial Learning
Aug 22
Paper accepted at CEFRL/ICCV 2017: Discriminative Parts
Jul 21
May 24
Apr 21
Preprint released at arXiv: Panorama to Panorama
Apr 12
Preprint released at arXiv: Unsupervised Part Learning
Apr 02
Diffusion code released
Mar 29
Paper accepted at ICMR 2017: Panorama to Panorama
Mar 20
Preprint released at arXiv: Fast Spectral Ranking
Mar 17
Two papers accepted at CVPR 2017: Unsupervised Part Learning and Diffusion on Region Manifolds
Mar 07
Yahoo! Research chooses LOPQ to index and provide a similar image search functionality on its entire Flickr collection - covered by The Verge, Engadget, Petapixel, Digital Trends and Venture Beat
Feb 06
LOPQ-prod code released


Nov 27
I serve as Area Chair of EUSIPCO 2017
Nov 15
Preprint released at arXiv: Diffusion on Region Manifolds
Nov 14
Preprint released at arXiv: Discriminative Parts
Nov 11
INSTRE2 dataset released
Oct 20
Sep 02
Hoel Kervadec defends his MSc thesis on Deep Hough Networks
Sep 01
Oriane Siméoni begins her PhD thesis on Visual Search, Discovery and Recognition
Aug 24
GeRaF code released
Aug 23
I serve as Area Chair of ACM-MM 2017
Mar 31
Mar 31
Preprint released at arXiv: k-d Randomized Forests
Mar 25
Paper accepted at CGI 2016: k-d Randomized Forests
Mar 01
IQM code released
Christos Varytimidis completes his PhD thesis on Local Feature Detection
Feb 01
I am a Research Scientist at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique


Dec 16
Paper accepted at CVA: Dithering-Based Sampling
Nov 25
Oct 26
I become a father
Vasileios Chatzipanos completes his Diploma thesis on Compact Representations for Retrieval
Sep 03
Paper accepted at ICCV 2015: Web-Scale Image Clustering
Aug 28
Paper accepted at PR: $\alpha$-Shapes for Local Features
Jul 03
Paper accepted at BMVC 2015: Planar Shape Decomposition
Giorgos Mitsis completes his Diploma thesis on Object Proposals
Mar 26
Mar 05
Paper accepted at IJCV: Selective Match Kernels
Mar 02
Paper accepted at CVPR 2015: Early Burst Detection
Mar 01


Yannis Kalantidis completes his PhD thesis on Web-Scale Search and Clustering
Oct 31
Research grant IS-Helleana ends
Georgios Perakis completes his Diploma thesis on License Plate Recognition
Sep 05
Paper accepted at ACCV 2014: Dithering-Based Sampling
Aug 22
ivl2 code released
Jul 20
LOPQ code released
May 26
I am a Scientific Advisor at Odd Concepts Inc.
Athanasios Papadopoulos completes his Diploma thesis on Geometric Descriptor Aggregation
Mar 01
Paper accepted at CVPR 2014: Locally Optimized Product Quantization
I begin teaching the 9th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
Jan 09
DRVQ code released


Dec 25
Paper accepted at CVIU: Geometry Indexing
Oct 20
ASMK code released
Oct 12
Paper accepted at IJCV: Hough Pyramid Matching
Giorgos Tolias completes his PhD thesis on Particular Object Retrieval
Sep 02
Two papers accepted at ICCV 2013: Quantize and Conquer and To Aggregate or not
I begin teaching the 7th iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Sep 26
I am married to Maria
Jun 07
Paper accepted at TMM: Movie Summarization
Mar 22
I become a Reviewer of ICCV
I begin teaching the 8th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA


Oct 04
WaSH binary released
Agni Delvinioti completes her Diploma thesis on Classification by Spatial Matching
I begin teaching the 6th iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Sep 25
I become a Reviewer of CVPR
Sep 07
AGM code released
Christos Arvanitis completes his Diploma thesis on Augmented Reality
May 31
ivl code released
Jun 25
Jun 25
Paper accepted at ACM-MM 2012: SymCity
Apr 27
Apr 17
I become a Reviewer of BMVC
Apr 04
I become a Reviewer of ECCV
Mar 29
WC2M dataset released
Mar 05
HPM binary released
I begin teaching the 7th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
Charalampos Moustafelos completes his Diploma thesis on Visual Synonyms
Spyros Leonardos completes his Diploma thesis on Image Segmentation


Nov 06
MFD binary released
Nov 01
Research grant IS-Helleana begins
I begin teaching the 5th iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Jun 30
Two papers accepted at ICCV 2011: Relaxed Spatial Matching and Medial Feature Detector
Apr 26
Logos27 dataset released
Apr 09
EC1M dataset released
Mar 31
Research grant WeKnowIt ends
Mar 11
Paper accepted at CC: Spatiotemporal Features
I begin teaching the 6th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
Feb 23
Paper accepted at ICMR 2011: Logo Recognition


Dec 31
Book chapter published by Springer: Visual Attention
Nov 16
Paper accepted at MTAP: VIRaL
Oct 19
EC50k dataset released
I begin teaching the 4th iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Jul 31
Research grant JUMAS ends
Jul 05
Two papers accepted at ACM-MM 2010: Landmark and Non-Landmark Images and Feature Map Hashing
Sep 07
Paper accepted at SGA/ECCV 2010: Regions from Edges
May 23
VIRaL application released
I begin teaching the 5th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
Feb 28
Research grant X-Media ends


Evaggelos Spyrou completes his PhD thesis on Semantic Visual Search
Thanos Athanasiadis completes his PhD thesis on Knowledge-Based Image Analysis
I begin teaching the 3rd iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Research grant Imagination ends
Mar 20
Paper accepted at SP:IC: Spatiotemporal Saliency
I begin teaching the 4th iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
George Koumoulos completes his Diploma thesis on Local Feature Detection
Feb 28
Research grant MESH ends
Feb 28
Research grant BOEMIE ends
Feb 27
Two papers accepted at CBMI 2009: Compound Document Analysis and VIRaL
Feb 23
Paper accepted at CVPR 2009: Spatiotemporal Feature Points
Jan 22
I serve as Associate Editor of JIVP
Jan 20
Paper accepted at TMM: High-Level Concept Detection
Jan 07
Edited volume published by LNCS: Multimedia Modelling
Yannis Kalantidis completes his Diploma thesis on Visual Features and Geometry


Dec 31
Research grant K-Space ends
Dec 31
Research grant OntoMedia ends
Dec 15
Paper accepted at ICASSP 2009: Video Event Detection
Nov 08
I serve as General Chair of CBMI 2009
I begin teaching the 2nd iteration of Image and Video Analysis at NTUA
Sep 15
I serve as Program Chair of CIVR 2009
Jun 18
Paper accepted at MMSP 2008: Semantic Video Segmentation
Jun 10
I serve as PhD Reviewer of David Vallet
Christos Varytimidis completes his Diploma thesis on Object Detection
Apr 25
Paper accepted at ICIP 2008: Movie Summarization
Apr 01
Research grant WeKnowIt begins
Konstantinos Rapantzikos completes his PhD thesis on Visual Saliency
Phivos Mylonas completes his PhD thesis on Context-Based Analysis
Mar 20
I begin teaching the 3rd iteration of Signals and Systems at NTUA
Feb 01
Research grant JUMAS begins
Jan 25
Paper accepted at WIAMIS 2008: Semantic Video Analysis
I serve as Program Chair of MMM 2009